HTTP Postback Notifications (per user, available to all users)
In order to find this feature:
- Login to dashboard
- Configuration
- Go to Users
- New or Modify User
- Other Integration
This feature is useful for integrating the Merlin Intel System with other systems.
When your site receives new traffic, instead of sending an email alert, a http post is sent with the following fields:
- method
- c_visitor_company_id
- c_visitor_visitor_id
- c_visitor_first_visit
- c_visitor_session_id
- c_visitor_company_name
- c_visitor_company_city
- c_visitor_company_state
- c_visitor_company_zip
- c_visitor_company_country
- c_visitor_company_domain
- c_visitor_referer
- c_visitor_search_term
- c_visitor_first_page
- c_visitor_time_date
- c_visitor_current_page_request_count
- c_visitor_device_type
- c_visitor_browser_name
- c_visitor_device_os
Everyone, including private label resellers, can integrate our data with their CRM, lead tracking or custom system.
Note: Basic custom development knowledge required. Your system will need to be able to accept an HTTP post.